PETA: Boycott SeaWorld – Campaign

PETA: Boycott SeaWorld - Campaign [social_warfare]

“Right now, there’s an “orca” trapped in a semi-trailer truck that’s driving around San Diego. She’ll be there for a month as part of an optical illusion that PETA created to show spring breakers and everyone else in the city exactly why they should say, “Thanks, but no tanks,” to SeaWorld San Diego. Just like the orcas held captive at the abusement park, our gal has been shoved into a cramped box that feels like a bathtub to these far-ranging animals. And she’s telling everyone exactly what’s wrong and what they can do to help: “Collapsed Fins. Broken Teeth. Tiny Cell. Prisoner of SeaWorld. Don’t Go!”

Outdoor advertisement created by Nim Shapira, United States for PETA, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.”

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